point of reference: the old ford dealership and the high school. there're lots of weather events out that way, but especially tornados. almost always tornados, and never just one at a time - multiple, always far enough away to escape but close enough to be a fearsome threat. they're close enough that i panic and feel death loom over me, close enough that it's always a shock to come out unscathed and alive.
this might be the most common recurring location in my dreams, and it's no surprise. i grew up playing soccer at these fields, and so much of my life growing up was localized around this end of town, these schools all in one place and the sports i played both peewee and high school, the 13 years in that little corner hemmed in by busy road and train tracks and corn-soybean fields and forest if you go far enough past the elementary school. you might even say that most of my growing up happened in that square of space. and now that i think of it, many storms crept across the corn-soybean fields to the soccer fields during practices and games alike. that was when i thought that every vaguely conical or triangular extension of cloud was a tornado, every strong breeze a threat and a warning to run away and hide in the basement.
i'm not sure how to implement this, but i guess i want to keep a sort of running record of some of different things that happen here and at all the other locations.