here, i'm just playing around and ignoring my theme...which, frankly, i'm tiring of. maybe i'll make a section of this site dedicated to my dream shit, instead, and make this all more general purpose
me stuff. i'd like to play around with maybe writing about/tracking my cd collection. i collect cds, you know! or at least now you do.
think i'll also mess around with coding stuff here, i guess? sort of?
i'll probably have my resolution list on here just for the hell of it. i like to handwrite these things, but putting it here could be fun, too. maybe i can make it interactive. who can never be sure? (note to self: link to the proper liz & liz youtube video for that quote. because why not!)
work up to running 2 miles
continue to tackle organizing closets and other storage spaces with better longterm ~solutions~ that will maintain the organizational schema or whatever the hell you'd call it
keep practicing mending and altering my clothes
keep on chipping away at tea collection so i feel more entitled to buy even MORE TEA
relearn basic spanish to use at work
get a better journal for recipes & handwrite favorite ones
add all recipes to recipe keeper app
practice drawings with fancy white ink pens for the joy of it rather than for mastery
read more graphic novels question mark?
start dabbling in photography again, even if (especially if!) it's bad
buy film for film camera and learn how to use it
and now i have an entire music section...rad?!
listen to music from other languages and cultures
explore the metal genre
finally start learning how to scream. like, metal screaming, i guess you'd call it. 2023 year i go metal?
learn to fingerpick acoustic #3, 2:45 am, and the funeral on guitar
try not to set down projects, hobbies, and tasks for more than a few weeks at a time, i.e., learn to push through periods of inactivity/lacking inspiration/utter adhd-related shutdowns of the heart and mind
read more debut novels (especially new ones)
work on fear of biking; bike to work?
intentionally try new recipes!
weed out old clothes & donate or sell
make a sort of catalog/database of both CDs & kitchen stuff
use up lots of tea for an excuse to buy MORE
write down favorite recipes
do more mending - start with socks and go from there
use dehydrator for something - but what???
rejoin a professional organization like SAA or MAC
transfer many recipes to recipe keeper app
hang up lingering unused decorations and such
use drill for mirror, hooks, towel rod, etc.
finish all current needlepoint projects
store cookbooks in kitchen - hang a shelf? (but i did buy a shelf!