these are updates for the future so i don't forget (because i always forget (because writing things down is how i make it through every small thing)), but maybe you'll enjoy not forgetting too. maybe someone will get to see this list evolve and its items come to fruition. or maybe i'll never forget but always manage to neglect what needs doing. we'll see - we'll see.
- link each item on locations & associated phenomena list to its corresponding page as i create them and flesh them out
- mess around with transparency of the background images - that's always challenged me, and i actually don't like the look, but readability might be a little bit important, perhaps potentially. probably maybe.
- one day make a map. i tried to do that already, but it's beyond me. right now i just need to do the writing, the remembering, the creation of the pages and linking things together into some form of cohesion. but eventually, when i figure things out more, a map
- play with intertextuality, as i would always like to do, in all things i produce and consume
- change the link color or perhaps make them prettier in some way. at the very least, i want them to be more legible.
- add quotes just 'cause
- where does a girl who's lost her religion go to find meaning? what replaces the hole that faith, cast off, leaves behind? (stephen markley, ohio)
- experiment with the use of icons
- maybe one day i can add an image library
- really dig into the middle school section of my site - why is so much centered there? why not the high school, where the memories are fresher? in fact, the high school does show up a good bit, but nowhere near as much as the middle school. it's bizarre.
- i'd like a section that's just unrelated nonsenses and whatevers because delving into my own little weird dream world and staying on-theme gets a little repetitive and navel-gazey, even for me, the queen navel gazer. so, that - something else. maybe a page with many "subpages," like how i set up the middle school page(s).
- learn javascript well enough (as if!) to find a way to hide and show stuff on my testing site page, like i guess it'd be called collapsing text or something???
burst the dream bubble & go back home